Year 2009-10

1] 3D Face Recognition

This project recognize the human face based on 3D input data. The proposed system performs ”3D Normalization” and “Recognition”. Recognition is performed to reveal the identity of the person whether he is present in the database or not. Normalization improves the efficiency of reorganization.  >>

2] Face Recognition in Videos

Given a video, the proposed system determines whether or not the specified person is in the video. The research for face detection and recognition is focusing on 1) Video to Frame Conversion: To sample video at 15 frames per second. 2) Face Detection: To detect the faces in the frames 3) Face Recognition: To identify the person in the video   >>

3]  PC Based  Multi- Touch Interface System

The project aims at using one such low cost interaction method, a multi touch system, to show how the interaction between human and machine can be improved. This improved interaction is shown by controlling a microcontroller based robot according to the touch input given by the user.   >>

4]  Suspicious Object Detection

The application provides efficient “Suspicious Object Detection” along with tracking of the suspect from a real time video. The proposed algorithm uses Template Matching for peculiar object detection and various operations including Kalman Filtering / DWT and background subtraction for Motion detection.    >>

5] 3D Face Detection And Recognition

The application accepts 3D image as input then it is converted to 2D image.  The recognition algorithm applied on 2D image data. Face Detection  algorithm developed by Viola and Johns Based on AdaBoost and Cascade Clasification. Face recognition is based on classical template matching technique. >>